
"Rhythm of Butterflies" - Olivia Dickerson,  (Artist oMd)

"ShyRose Burst" - Olivia Dickerson,  (Artist oMd)

About Me

     Growing up in a creative environment, I developed an appreciation and passion for the arts (visual, performing, music, ...).  I am ever grateful to my parents.  My dad, a self-taught musician, taught piano lessons to students, young and old. My mother designed, sewed, and created things for her family and home.  While observing my mother sketching one day, my creative eyes opened, figuratively speaking, and a desire to draw conceived.  For years, my passion has been drawing and my choice medium was graphite pencil on paper. At the age of nine or ten, my mother encouraged me to complete and submit the "Draw Me" brochure from Art Instruction Schools, Minneapolis, Minnesota. I received a scholarship. The course was the beginning of my studies in art. The making of abstract paintings has evolved through the study of art history and an interest in abstract patterns, colors, and designs found in nature. 
     Drawing, abstract art painting,  illustration, creative & educational writing, art education, nature photography, and designing embodies my passion as an artist.   I also enjoy needle-crafts (sewing, knitting, crocheting, and weaving) and pencil portrait painting. A
favorite piece of writing is the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.  This poem has challenged me to consider carefully the roads or paths I take in life.  
     Learning is lifelong. I am a graduate of Mary Baldwin University (Staunton, Virginia) with a BA in Art (Art History emphasis) and Regent University with a M.Ed. in Education. I am an alumni of Academy of Art University (with courses in Fine Art - non-figurative painting/color theory, Illustration -clothed figured/fashion illustration, Fashion Design/Merchandising, ....). 
    A desire is to make an encouraging difference in the lives of children, youth, and adults through art and education.  

     I thank God for the ability to draw, paint, and create art.

"I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth."
                                                   Psalm 121:1-2 NIV